
What is Peachjar?

Peachjar connects parents with valuable resources for their children.

PeachJar is a cloud-based communication platform that streamlines school-to-home communication by distributing vital school updates and community resources directly to parents as digital flyers. 

For Parents

I don't appear to be receiving Peachjar flyers anymore. What can I do?

First, we'd recommend checking the junk/other folder of your inbox. The District's Peachjar account is tied to our student information system. Parent, student, and staff emails registered in Infinite Campus are automatically synced to Peachjar. Peachjar emails are sent on Tuesdays between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Don't be alarmed if some weeks you don't receive anything, you will only receive emails that are relevant to your student's grade or school. If you were and are no longer receiving Peachjar emails, you can register on Peachjar’s website -OR- if you know the email you use for school contact, visit Peachjar's website, enter your email and click "forgot password," and once you're logged in, you can adjust your subscription settings

Peachjar app

For School Staff, Business & Community Organizations

Interested in Sharing a Flyer?

Thank you for your interest in providing our learners with a social, recreational, or educational opportunity.

All materials being distributed to Yankton School District students require prior approval. Paper materials from outside organizations will no longer be distributed.

Review our Distribution Guidelines for Submission

  1. Distribution Guidelines:

    • Flyers must promote a social, recreational, or educational benefit to YSD students

    • Must not include offensive language

    • Must not be in conflict with Yankton School District policies, guidelines, or programs

    • Must not discriminate

    • Must be appropriate for specified grade level identified

    • Must include a local contact name and phone number

    • Fundraising outside the YSD is not permitted

    • We encourage you to include both an English and Spanish version of your flyer in your submitted document

Create an Account to Submit a Flyer

Upload a Flyer

  1. Save your 8.5" x 11" portrait (vertical) layout flyer as a PDF.

  2. Upload your flyer for approval.

  3. All flyers must be submitted by 8am on the Monday prior to the Tuesday you want it distributed (or before).

  4. District staff will review the materials and approve or deny them based on the distribution guidelines above.

Delete a Flyer

If you notice a mistake on your flyer, you can delete it using the following method:

  1. From your account, click Reporting.

  2. Click the flyer you want to delete.

  3. Click Remove Flyer.


To Have Your Flyer Approved

  • Flyers MUST BE submitted by Mondays BEFORE 8:00am for next day (Tuesday) delivery.

    • If they are not, they will be denied and will have to be resubmitted by the uploader for the following Tuesday distribution.

  • Flyers MUST HAVE a distribution date of a TUESDAY.

    • Flyers are sent every Tuesday directly to parent, student, and staff inboxes and on our website.