Due to being in a Winter Storm Warning that is in effect from 6 pm tonight until 6 pm Friday, the Yankton School District is canceling school and all activities for Friday, March 7, 2025. There will be no school or activities tomorrow.
6 days ago, Yankton School District
No School
Due to the icy roads and high winds and to allow parents additional time for any issues, Yankton School District will have a 2 hour late start today, Wednesday, March 5. There will be no morning preschool at Webster School and no morning Special Education Preschool at Stewart. All buses will run approximately two hours later than their normally scheduled time. Please check the Here Comes the Bus app to track your child's bus.
8 days ago, Yankton School District
late start
Due to the forecasted winter storm moving into the area with potential high winds to begin later this afternoon, Yankton School District will have an early release today, Tuesday, March 4 at 12:30 pm. There will be no PM Early Intervention at Stewart and no PM Preschool at Webster. Buses will run accordingly.
9 days ago, Yankton School District
early dismissal
JrK and Kindergarten registration is tonight, Thursday, February 27 at Trailhead Learning Center in the cafeteria from 4:00 – 6:00 pm. Please park in the South parking lot and follow the signs to enter the cafeteria on the east side. Children do not need to attend. We're excited to give you a little glimpse of the cafeteria tonight, and full tours will be held on April 24! Stay tuned for more details—we can't wait to show you around!
14 days ago, Yankton School District
JrK and Kindergarten Registration is tomorrow at Trailhead Learning Center from 4:00-6:00 PM! Let our adorable signage show you the way!
14 days ago, Yankton School District
Jrk/KG registration
YHS STUDENT HOUSE FOR SALE OPEN HOUSE will be held today, Tuesday, February 25, 2025, from 4:00p.m. until 8:00 p.m. & Thursday, March 6, 2025, from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the construction site located in the north building of The Career Manufacturing and Technical Education Academy, 1200 W. 21st St. Sealed bids due by 1:30 p.m. on March 7, 2025 For details and bid form, go to: https://www.ysd.k12.sd.us/o/yhs/page/student-house or contact the Business Office at (605)665-3980.
15 days ago, Yankton School District
Student Built House
The YSD phones are back up. Thank you for your patience.
16 days ago, Yankton School District
The YSD phone lines at the elementary schools, middle school, and administration offices are currently down. We are working to get them back up. Sorry for the inconvenience.
16 days ago, Yankton School District
Phone lines donw
Yankton Educators Rising Chapter earns Gold as an Outstanding Chapter at the state competition. Congratulations to Jay Myers for earning Gold and being a national qualifier and Noelle Nockels & Kiyah Sherman for earning Bronze in their respective categories.
16 days ago, Yankton School District
We hope you're as excited as this little guy for the dedication ceremony and school tours of Trailhead Learning Center on Thursday, April 24! Please mark your calendars to join us at 9:30 am on Thursday, April 24, for the dedication being held at TLC located at 3000 Highland Drive. Tours of the school will start at 10:30.
20 days ago, Yankton School District
Child looking at a postcard
Post card
Due to the power outage in Yankton that includes some Yankton School District facilities, the late start is canceled and Yankton School District will not have school today, Tuesday, February 18.
23 days ago, Yankton School District
No School
Due to the forecasted early morning cold temperatures and to allow parents additional time for any issues related to the early morning cold temperatures, Yankton School District will have a 2 hour late start, tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18. There will be no morning preschool at Webster School and no morning Special Education Preschool at Stewart. All buses will run approximately two hours later than their normally scheduled time. Please check the Here Comes the Bus app to track your child's bus.
23 days ago, Yankton School District
late start
Today is Safer Internet Day! The Yankton School District and the South Dakota ICAC Task Force are committed to ensuring a better Internet for all. Our goal is to inspire frequent and open conversations between parents and children regarding Internet safety. Find great resources at: https://www.icactaskforce.org/Pages/InternetSafety.aspx and https://saferinternetday.us/
30 days ago, Yankton High School
Mrs. Mehlhaff is SDSTA Physical Science Teacher of the Year! You make YMS proud!!!
about 1 month ago, Yankton Middle School
Mrs. Mehlhaff is SDSTA Physical Science Teacher of the Year! You make YMS proud!!!
There will be no school for students in Preschool through Grade 12 on Monday, February 17, in observance of President’s Day. School will resume on Tuesday, February 18.
about 1 month ago, Yankton School District
President's Day
Do you have a child who will be five by September 1, 2025? Join us for JrK & Kindergarten registration on Thursday, February 27, at Trailhead Learning Center from 4:00-6:00 pm.
about 1 month ago, Yankton School District
TLC Registration
The Elementary February newsletters from The Parent Institute are now available on our school website! Click the link below to check them out. https://yanktonsd.sites.thrillshare.com/o/ysd/page/parent-institute-newsletters
about 1 month ago, Yankton School District
A one-day in-service program for Yankton School District teachers and staff will be held on Friday, January 31. There will be no school for students in Preschool through Grade 12 on this day.
about 1 month ago, Yankton School District
Teacher in-service
Looking for a part-time evening job? This may be the perfect fit! Apply at https://www.applitrack.com/ysd/onlineapp/
about 2 months ago, Yankton School District
Part Time Custodian
Due to the forecasted early morning cold temperatures and to allow parents additional time for any issues related to the early morning cold temperatures, Yankton School District will have a 2 hour late start, tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21. There will be no morning preschool at Webster School and no morning Special Education Preschool at Stewart. All buses will run approximately two hours later than their normally scheduled time. Please check the Here Comes the Bus app to track your child's bus.
about 2 months ago, Yankton School District
late start