Go Bucks! Thanks for the pumpkins and we wish you luck tonight against Huron. Mrs. Frick’s Kindergarten Beadle Bugs had fun picking out their giant pumpkins 🎃
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Frick, Kindergarten, Beadle Elementary
Third graders at Beadle Elementary were presented with a new student dictionary donated by the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 12. We are very thankful for our new dictionaries and we appreciate all that you do for the Veterans in our community.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Herrboldt Grade 3
third graders with dictionaries
third graders with dictionaries
third graders with dictionaries
Mrs. Tramp's Physical Education classes have been working on fitness stations.
over 2 years ago, Jamie Tramp, Beadle Elementary Physical Education
Students jumping rope
student hula hooping
reaction station
Beadle kindergarteners in Mrs. Kocmick's class enjoyed picking out pumpkins with the help of the football players!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Kocmick, Kindergarten, Beadle Elementary
Mrs. Vlasman’s 2nd graders loved picking their pumpkins and rubbing elbows with the Buck’s footballs players.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Vlasman, 2nd Grade, Beadle Elementary
Picking pumpkins at Beadle.
Picking pumpkins at Beadle
Beadle 2nd Grade
Picking pumpkins at Beadle.
The end of the first quarter is Thursday, October 20. School will be in session on that day. A one-day in-service program for Yankton School District staff will be held on Friday, October 21. There will be no school for Yankton Public School students in Preschool through Grade 12 on this day. School will resume on Monday, October 24.
over 2 years ago, Yankton School District
Staff In-Service
Thank you to the Sertoma Club and YHS Football team for the pumpkin delivery today. Students in K-3 received pumpkins this morning.
over 2 years ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal
Mrs. Wuebben’s class is having fun celebrating a birthday with Star Wars cake pops!
over 2 years ago, Heather Lancaster
cake pops
cake pops
cake pops
cake pops
Fire Safety with Firefighter Frick
over 2 years ago, Mrs. LaFave
Beadle School 3rd Grade
Fire Safety Lesson
Mrs. Kocmick's kindergarten class learned about fire safety this week so they made fire trucks for snack today!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Kocmick, Kindergarten, Beadle Elementary
Congratulations to the Beadle Bugs who won Good Character Awards this week! Keep up the great work!
over 2 years ago, Beadle School
Mrs. Frick’s, Miss Olinger’s, and Mrs. Kochmick’s classes join to take part in Fire Safety- Stop, Drop, and Roll! Beadle Kindergarten Thanks the YFD for their service!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Frick, Kindergarten, Beadle Elementary
Mrs. Wuebben’s class loved learning about fire safety with Firefighter Adam today!
over 2 years ago, Heather Lancaster
fire fighter gear
fire safety
Miss Hutchison’s first grade class at Beadle celebrated Native American today my making paint out of berries!
over 2 years ago, Gabriel Hutchison
Painting with berries
Painting with berries
Smashing berries for the paint
Smashing berries for the paint
Second graders practiced fire safety today with the Yankton Fire Department! They practiced exiting the smoke house safely. Great job, second graders!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Curtis
second graders coming out of the smoke house
second graders coming out of the smoke house
second graders coming out of the smoke house
Mr. Garvey’s class celebrated Native American Day by making dream catchers in art!
over 2 years ago, Cody Garvey
4G with dream catchers!
4G with dream catchers!
4G with dream catchers!
While learning about states of matter, second graders explored liquids and how they're used every day. We measured them and checked the temperature. We had a blast exploring!
over 2 years ago, Michelle Curtis
Students exploring liquids.
Students exploring liquids.
Students exploring liquids.
Students exploring liquids.
Second grade loves library day!
over 2 years ago, Brittney Krommenhoek
Beadle started this chilly morning by seeing the warm smiles of our weekly Good Character winners. Congratulations to these wonderful students!
over 2 years ago, Beadle School
Mrs. Frick’s Kinders at Beadle create shapes when the lights go out! Thanks to a trusty flashlight:)
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Frick, Kindergarten, Beadle Elementary