Mrs.Zimmerman's 5th grade safety poster contest winners!

Beadle 2nd graders had fun measuring objects around the room in inches and feet.

Congratulations to this week's Good Character Award Winners from Beadle! Way to be your best!

Beadle Kindergarten pick up trash around the school to celebrate Earth Day! 🌍

Beadle second grade loved Bike Safety Day!

Glow Day in 2nd Grade

2nd Grade Beadle Bugs enjoyed Bike Helmet Safety Day.

Mrs. Mueller’s kindergarten class explored with scales today during math centers!

Third graders learned about weather and climate in science.They designed, built, and tested their homes to see if their design would survive strong winds and heavy rain. Everyone was successful!

Second graders had a blast learning about seed dispersal and dissecting seed pods!

Beadle School's Good Character Award Winners for 4/8/2022. Great job, Beadle Bugs!

Some Mount Marty students came to Beadle and put together a sweet bulletin board for us. We appreciate the time and effort they took to make it special, including the Beadle Bug feature in the middle!

Beadle students LOVED YHS's School House Rock play! Great job high schoolers!

Beadle and Webster grades 1-5 enjoyed a trip to YHS to see School House Rocks Jr. Students loved the songs! We also loved seeing some of our former Beadle Bugs performing! Great job, YHS!!

Our Beadle Bug Good Character Winners for 4-1-2022.

Our Beadle Bug Good Character Award Winners for 3/25/2022.

A one-day in-service day for Yankton School District teachers will be held on Monday, April 4. There will be no school for students in Preschool through Grade 12 on this day.

The students in Mr. Garvey’s class graduated Junior Achievement! Thank you, Mr. Pietila!

Beadle 2nd graders had fun learning about artist Alma Thomas and using her art as inspiration for their own pieces.

Beadle's spring student council