Beadle Halloween Parade 2021

Beadle Halloween Parade 2021

Beadle Halloween Parade 2021

Beadle Halloween Parade 2021

Beadle Halloween Parade 2021

Beadle Halloween Parade 2021

Mrs. Dvoracek’s 2nd graders researched, built, and used catapults to practice math skills while launching candy pumpkins. Fun is an understatement!

The first graders practiced underhand throwing using ghosts in Mrs. Tramp's Physical Education class.

Beadle 5th grade had fun playing Decimal Pickle while practicing decimal place value!

Beadle's custodian, Ryan, found the perfect costume. thanks for keeping our school clean and safe.

Beadle kindergarten students work together to make Halloween kinder monsters!

Fifth graders in Mrs. Hunhoff's class are reading along while listening to a story on chromebooks.

Fifth graders in Mrs. Hunhoff's class are reading along while listening to a story on chromebooks.

Mrs. Mueller’s kindergarten class reviewed math skills by playing some fun math games today!

Mrs. May’s first grade class using creative thinking skills to build a Halloween object.

Mr. Garvey’s 4th graders at Beadle LOVE book order day! 📘📘📘

The 5th Grade Beadles were pretending to be "The Beatles" on our walks to Crane Youngworth field for Physical Education class.

First Grade Fall Fun!

An in-service program for Yankton School District teachers and staff will be held tomorrow, Friday, October 22 There will be no school for students in Preschool through Grade 12 on that day. School will resume on Monday, October 25.

Once a Beadle Bug, always a Beadle Bug. Beadle means family.