Robotics at Beadle thanks to 4-H partnership

Students learning robotics thanks to 4-H partnership at Beadle

Preschool Open House is Thursday, November 21st at Webster School. Make reservations by calling 665-2484.

American Education Week breakfast on Nov. 20 in the Beadle gym from 7:45-8:15.

Some Beadle students enjoy and participate in Sheltered Reality at their evening performance at Stewart on Monday night.

Opt Out Presentation in the Beadle Gym from 6:00-7:00 on November 19, 2019

Good Character Award Winners for November 14, 2019

Elementary teachers engage in science during Inservice.

Beadle First Graders learn "A Day in the Life of a Sanford Underground Lab Scientist" and what they wear in the lab.

Sanford Labs visits students at Beadle Elementary School to help them learn about the exciting world of Science!

Writers’ Round Table

Writers’ Round Table

Writers’ Round Table

Mr. Garvey’s class celebrated National Kindness Day wearing their #iamkinderthanthat shirts. The Kindergarten teachers also wore the hats they were given.

2nd grade students In Mrs. Dvoracek's class used what they learned about vessels, buoyancy, and teamwork to make a “Mayflower” to take a voyage to New England during our STEM time.

Good character 11-8-19

Beadle raises money for local veterans.

Beadle First Grade gets their exercise by running the track at Williams Field!

Beadle First Graders visit the YHS Kitchen to learn how our lunches are made.

Good Character Awards at Beadle School