Stewart and Webster staff had a fun paint night with Lauren Walker!

Stewart Stars in Mrs. Marquardt's class stop in the office to show off their spider hats they made!

Stewart 2nd Graders learned how temperature affects matter by making ice cream during science.

Stewart Stars would like to thank Coach Olson and YHS students who were involved in: cheer, dance, soccer, volleyball, cross country, band, chorus, yearbook and newspaper in today’s assembly! Your messages to the kids they all enjoyed! Thank you for speaking about involvement in sports and fine art, being a good character, hard work and sportsmanship.

Mrs. Zimmerman's 2nd grade students at Stewart love playing different math games during WIN time.

Stewart Elementary Girls on the Run program participants used their "star power" and completed their practice 5K. We are so proud of them. Thank you to our GOTR coaches and running buddies, members of the YMS/YHS Girls Cross Country team, and parents for all of your support! 🌟

Dear Parents,
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with today’s threat at Yankton High School. These types of incidents put much fear into students, staff, parents, community members, and school administrators. Unless a person is on-site to see the disruption this causes within a school, it is difficult to understand the situation. I can assure you if those responsible for this threat are identified, we will pursue the full extent of the law for prosecution, along with consequences from school if those responsible are students.
I appreciate the collaboration we have with our local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. My trust in these agencies is very high and know we all have the same goal in mind, which is the safety and well-being of our students and staff.
The soft lockdown for our elementary schools and Yankton Middle School was lifted after lunch. Yankton High School will remain in a soft lock-down until the end of the school day.
I realize my decisions made in situations like this are not agreed upon by all. However, I take my decisions very personally to do my best to keep our kids safe. I would ask that you not use social media as your source of accurate information in situations like today. I will always communicate with you as quickly as I can with accurate information.
Your trust is greatly appreciated!
Dr. Wayne Kindle, Superintendent

Thank you to the Yankton Bucks Football team for the huge pumpkins! Stewart 1st grade thinks you are the best!

Stewart Stars thank the Bucks football team and Sertoma Club for the awesome pumpkins they brought today for grades K-3!

Love this tradition! It is always fun to see former Stewart Stars.
Thank you Bucks and Sertoma Club!

A huge thank you to the Sertoma Club and the Bucks football team for the pumpkins!

Join us tomorrow night (October 24) from 4:30 - 6:00 at the Yankton Community Library for a cozy evening of learning, laughter, and fall-themed snacks at our K-5 Family Literacy & Math Night! We will also be giving away tickets to Mazing Acres 2023 Fall Festival!

Stewart 1st graders explored adjectives to describe a pumpkin!

Stewart Special Education staff and paraprofessionals had a sensory training today by our occupational therapist! Thanks to her and her grandkids for the great training today!

Mrs. Kapla's Stewart Stars finished the first quarter by circling up for a morning meeting, sitting like college kids during Math AND a visit from Rusty the puppy!

Stewart 2nd Graders walked to the fire station this afternoon & enjoyed a fantastic tour from Chief Linke & Firefighter Reining

Thank you Chief Linke & Firefighter Reining for letting Stewart 2nd Graders experience what it's like to use a fire hose!

These stewart stars love practicing their math skills. It's even more fun during spooky season!

Join us for a cozy evening of learning, laughter, and fall-themed snacks at our K-5 Family Literacy & Math Night! Mark your calendars for October 24 from 4:30 - 6:00pm at the Yankton Community Library. We will also be giving away tickets to Mazing Acres 2023 Fall Festival!

The end of the first quarter is Thursday, October 19. School will be in session on that day. A one-day in-service program for Yankton School District staff will be held on Friday, October 20. There will be no school for Yankton Public School students in Preschool through Grade 12 on this day. School will resume on Monday, October 23.