Stewart Stars brought the Coffee Cart to YSD administration today before our meeting.

Stewart Elementary Coffee Cart was up and running today for staff! The students were very excited!

Thank you to the Stewart staff and students for the donation of food items to the Contact Center!

Stewart Stars: These wintery snow days meant extra time for Winter Break Reading Bingo! Get yours signed & bring it to the Library when we return. Can't wait to see you! Happy 2023!

Stewart Stars would like to thank Team Hope’s Operation Warm Up: Warm Hands, Warm Hearts for the hats and gloves donation to Stewart Elementary!

Stewart Elementary would like to thank Lauren for the awesome window paintings of penguins for students to see when they return to school after Christmas break!

We hope you are having a wonderful break and look forward to classes resuming on January 3, 2023!

Happy first day of Christmas Break!

Stewart first graders enjoyed a holiday celebration with snowman races, Christmas Bingo, and gingerbread houses!

Stewart Elementary Holiday Sing! Even a surprise visit from Buddy the elf! Happy Holidays!

Mrs. Kapla’s class showered our student teacher, Ms. Kerkman, with cards and a teacher shirt to thank her for all her time. We will miss her!

Stewart Stars in first and second grade excited to see the Grinch!

Stewart Stars excited to see the Grinch in kindergarten and first grade!

Stewart 3-5 were surprised by the appearance of the Grinch and reindeer following their movie today!

Thank you to the YSD SRO’s Officer Olson and Officer Russenberger for helping us celebrate the Holiday week by making an appearance as the Grinch and reindeer at Stewart Elementary!

The Stewart Kindergartners concert was so Jolly!

Stewart K-2 enjoying a movie in the lunchroom!

Stewart 3-5 celebrating the last week of school before break with a movie in the lunchroom!

Indoor recess means time to play!

Stewart Star Finn asked for money instead of gifts to purchase items for families in need of warm gear. Thank you for the wonderful gift idea! Stewart received 64 gloves, 34 hats and 10 pairs of pants as a donation. Such a sweet act of KINDNESS during this holiday season!