Stewart Star Students of the week!
Physical Therapy fun with Augie!
Working hard in Physical Therapy with a smile!
Best way to learn about adjectives is by taking a little walk around the park. Mrs. Heiter’s class sure enjoyed the nice weather and some learning!
Stewart Student Council —ready to show their school spirit in the Homecoming Parade! 🌟🌟
Bucky and Gizelle caught some students in the hallway for a picture!
Stewart kindergarten & 1st got a visit from Bucky and Gizelle today!
STEWART 2nd & 3rd grade got a visit from Bucky and Gizelle!
STEWART 4th and 5th got a visit today from Bucky and Gizelle!
Mrs. Zimmerman’s 2nd graders are ready to cheer on the Bucks & Gazelles!!
Stewart 5th Grade Role Reversal Day!
Stewart 4th Grade Role Reversal Day!
Stewart 3rd Grade Role Reversal Day!
Stewart 2nd Grade Role Reversal Day!
Stewart 1st Grade Role Reversal Day
Stewart Kindergarten Role Reversal Day!
Stewart Elementary Role Reversal Day (student as teachers, teachers as students)
Role Reversal day! Which one is the real Mrs. Indahl? #ysdhomecomingweek
Stewart Stars celebrated COLOR DAY with a building wide picture this morning!
Stewart stars enjoying some Hawian dancing at recess!