Ben Jensen Dental visits Stewart Elementary
Stewart Elementary First Graders
enjoying lunch in the classroom. The drumsticks were delicious!
Stewart first graders enjoying a pj read-in on Valentine’s Day!
2nd graders in Mrs. Zimmerman’s class at Stewart create Warhol inspired Pop Art during art
Stewart Stars share at Writer's Roundtable! We love Stewart School!
Stewart first graders working hard on center activities!
Did you know that YSD partners with local community organizations for the success of students? YSD collaborates with the following organizations: The Academy, Big Friend Little Friend, Big Red Bookshelf Program, Boys and Girls Club, City of Yankton, The Center, The Contact Center, DARE, The Food Pantry at Lincoln Elementary School, Girls on the Run, Kids HOPE USA, Math is Fun, Mount Marty College, Power Up Program, Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Sack Pack Program, The United Way, You Can Too.
Did you know that over 1,500 Yankton Community Members assisted in developing the Forward 2024 Strategic Plan by participating in surveys and focus groups throughout the 18-19 school year?
Did you know that 98% of YHS students graduate in 4 years?
Did you know that the YHS students’ five year ACT average is 22.94 in comparison to the state average at 21.82?
Did you know that YMS students can earn 2.5 high school credits before starting 9th grade?
Did you know that over 90% of our YSD parents attend Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences?
Did you know that for the 19-20 school year, 366 YHS students are participating in Fine Arts, 413 YHS students are participating in School Athletics, and 472 YHS students are participating in Career Technical Education classes?
Did you know that throughout the past 3 years, 135 fourth grade students have participated in Orchestra, and 317 fifth grade students have participated in Band?
Did you know YMS earned the highest School Performance Index score of all of the ESD middle schools?
Did you know that YHS students have the opportunity to earn 48 college credits upon graduation?
Did you know Yankton School District has the 2nd lowest school tax levy of similar sized communities?
Congratulations for being a YSD App User! Did you know that we currently have 1,004 iPhone and 665 Android YSD app users! Help us reach 2,000 users by downloading the YSD app today. It’s everything Yankton School District, in your pocket!
Stewart first graders having guidance! Happy National School Counseling Week! Thank you Ms. Wright for everything you do!
Mrs. Kapla's class celebrates the upcoming Super Bowl by reading sports themed books and predicting who will win the Super Bowl.