Stewart 1st graders working hard on reading and writing skills during WIN time!

Dr. Kindle extends a warm invitation to all members of the Yankton School District community, including parents, students, teachers, support staff, and patrons, to take part in a brief 12-question survey. The link to take the survey is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3JSST27.
The insights gathered through this survey will play a pivotal role in shaping our next 5-Year Strategic Plan, known as "Forward 2029." Your feedback is highly valuable, and he sincerely appreciates your contribution.

Happy Custodian Appreciation Day from Stewart Elementary!

Stewart Stars had some visitors the Friday of homecoming!

Stewart Stars had some visitors on homecoming Friday!

Stewart Stars ready for the homecoming parade!

Stewart 1st graders had fun celebrating Homecoming with football math games today!

Go Bucks and Gazelles!

All Stewart Stars made their mark and look where it took them! Gorgeous dot art fills the library hallway with color and creativity! #internationaldotday

Stewart Stars add apples to our Thankful Tree! Students wrote one thing they do that makes them a good Apple!

Stewart 1st graders had fun practicing their math skills during WIN time today!

It’s ice cream day at Stewart Elementary!
Ms. Roths third grade class got to enjoy their ice cream party as the winners of the most PTA scoops.

Something exciting is underway at Stewart School. Inspired by The Dot, students are "making their mark" in the Makerspace during Library. Stay tuned to see where their creativity takes them...

Mrs. Zimmerman's 2nd graders at Stewart School demonstrated their ability to describe different properties of matter during their cracker investigation for science.

Thank you SRO Russenberger for coming and talking to Stewart 1st grade about being a police officer.

Thank you SRO Russenberger for coming and talking to Stewart 1st grade about being a police officer.

Thank you SRO Russenberger for coming and talking to Stewart 1st grade about being a police officer.

Stewart Stars working hard on their math and reading skills!

Stewart 1st grade with Math for the WIN!

Stewart Readers know how to have FUN! READING is just the beginning of the story!
Celebrating the accomplishment of reading an average of 20 minutes every day this summer with 39 Stewart Stars! Way to go!