Stewart School's 39 SUPER STAR READERS celebrated their amazing summer reading achievements with so much fun in the Lukkes Learning Lounge! Busy with games and cookies and lots of laughter!
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Bergeson
group of kids on sitting on stage
2 boys
kids building at tables
group of kids being silly
A HUGE THANK YOU from Stewart School's 3rd graders to #sdbookfest and the SD Humanities Council! We LOVE Kate DiCamillo and are so excited to read our very own copies of The Tale of Despereaux! Young Readers One Book rocks!
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Bergeson
kids with books
class of students with books
Stewart Second Graders were visited by Mayor Moser! Mayor Moser taught the Stewart Stars about her role as mayor of Yankton.
over 1 year ago, Ginny Moser
Mayor Moser!
Time to Learn!
Yankton School District #63-3 will be offering a free developmental screening for children 3 & 4 years of age. Parents who are residents of Yankton School District and have concerns about their child’s development are invited to schedule an appointment. This special screening is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10, 2023. To schedule an appointment for this screening, call Ashli at 665-3999.
over 1 year ago, Yankton School District
Preschool Screening
Stewart 2nd graders in Mrs. Zimmerman's class had fun making a mess with splatter paint in art today!
over 1 year ago, Hannah Zimmerman, 2nd Grade Teacher
splatter paint
Ms. Hento's 5th graders and Mrs. Moser's 2nd graders got to meet today for their first study buddy session. The students did a get to know you activity and learned lots about each other.
over 1 year ago, Allyson Hento
2nd and 5th graders working together
2nd and 5th graders working together
2nd and 5th graders working together
2nd and 5th graders working together
2nd and 5th graders working together
Fourth Grade Fun at Stewart! Mrs. Johnson's class would like to thank Delight Donut for making our first day of school extra sweet!
over 1 year ago, Desiree Johnson
Fourth Grade
Stewart Stars - remember to return your summer reading calendars to the library tomorrow (Friday 8/25)! Our SuperSTAR Summer Readers SHINE SO BRIGHT!
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Bergeson
5 children in front of bookshelf
Thank you Delight Donuts for the delicious donuts on the first day of school! Mrs. Zimmerman's 2nd graders enjoyed the sweet treat today 🍩
over 1 year ago, Hannah Zimmerman, 2nd Grade Teacher
Second graders had a fabulous visitor this Friday, Mrs. D visited the classroom and played Garbage with us!
over 1 year ago, Ginny Moser
Mrs. D
Game Time!
Who won?
Ms. Hento's 5th graders and Mrs. Moser's 2nd graders got to meet today for their first study buddy session. The students did a get to know you activity and learned lots about each other.
over 1 year ago, Allyson Hento
2nd and 5th graders working together
2nd and 5th graders working together
2nd and 5th graders working together
2nd and 5th graders working together
2nd and 5th graders working together
Meet the 2023-24 Stewart Teaching Staff!
over 1 year ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
Meet the 2023-24 Staff
Stewart Stars "Chalked the Walk" at open house leaving messages for everyone for their first day of school on Monday.
over 1 year ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
Chalk the Walk
Stewart Stars left messages on our Thankful Tree here at Stewart about what they are excited for this school year! See you all on Monday Stewart Stars!
over 1 year ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
Thankful Tree
Stewart Stars are thankful for the kind donation of all these backpacks stuffed with school supplies from Verizon Wireless World North Branch here in Yankton!
over 1 year ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
Verizon Wireless World
Stewart Stars we are all excited to see you at open house today from 4:30-6:00! Welcome Back Stewart STARS!
over 1 year ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
Ready for a colorful year
Stewart Stars!
Welcome Back
Thank you Stewart families, staff and friends that came to the Stewart PTA clean up event! Stewart is shinning bright and ready for the 2023-24 school year!
over 1 year ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
Outdoor Classroom
Welcome Back
Thank you Stewart families, staff and friends that came to the Stewart PTA clean up event! Stewart is shinning bright and ready for the 2023-24 school year!
over 1 year ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
Outdoor Classroom
Welcome Back
Do your students need transportation for the upcoming school year? Please sign up at Click the red button that says 2023-2024 Online Registration.
over 1 year ago, Yankton School District
The 2023-2024 School Supply list is on our website in District News, which can be found at
over 1 year ago, Yankton School District
School Supply List