Stewart 5th graders on their way to YMS for tours and to learn about middle school!

🐛 butterfly life cycle 🦋
Mrs. Binde's kindergarteners received caterpillars and watched the process of becoming butterflies. They journaled their observations and learned something new with each stage. And finally, the release!

JrK-5th grade families, join us at Yankton Community Library for Family Literacy Night on May 11 from 5-7 pm.

THANK YOU to the Stewart Stars, Staff and Parents that came out to represent Stewart Elementary and participated in "The Great American Cleanup" with Keep Yankton Beautiful! It was a beautiful morning to help cleanup the community!

Stewart STARS stop on by YMS Friday from 11-8 and Saturday from 11-4 to checkout your art work on display!

Stewart STARS stop on by YMS Friday from 11-8 and Saturday from 11-4 to checkout your art work on display!

Two Talented 5th Grade Stewart Star poets shared their original poetry during morning announcements in honor of Poem in Your Pocket day. Brava!

Play = Creativity

Stewart first graders performed "contraction surgery" to review making contractions.

Stewart first graders performed "contraction surgery" to review making contractions.

Happy Administrative Assistants Day to one of the best!! Stewart Stars are grateful for all that you do, Mrs. O!

Stewart 2nd graders in Mrs. Zimmerman's class dissected, observed, and identified the parts of a seed and bulb for a science investigation.

Stewart first graders know that morning meetings are much more than a meeting! They are learning to speak, listen ask questions and respect each other. The smiles are the best part!

Mr. Slowey's 5th grade class at Stewart enjoying the nice weather with some outdoor learning!

Mrs. Zimmerman's 2nd grade students "reused" a variety of left over art materials to create new masterpieces in art in honor of Earth Day.

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new Early Childhood Development Center that was scheduled for today has been postponed. The new date and time will be released as soon as it is confirmed.

Nothing says "SPRING" like a trip to Bomgaars to see the baby animals. Thank you for having us, Bomgaars!

Stewart First Graders practiced math facts with a card game!

Mrs. Zimmerman's 2nd graders took advantage of the warm weather and read outside ☀️

Mrs. Heiter's class enjoyed some more fun in the sun this morning.