Have a Hippity hoppity Easter! From Mrs.Marquardt’s Class
almost 2 years ago, Peggy Marquardt
Hippity hop
Hippity hop
Hippity hop
Mrs. Zimmerman's 2nd graders enjoyed the messy process of making painted paper for art!
almost 2 years ago, Hannah Zimmerman, 2nd Grade Teacher
painted paper
painted paper
painted paper
painted paper
painted paper
painted paper
painted paper
HEY PEEPS it's Stewart Coffee Cart Day! What a great treat on a rainy day!
almost 2 years ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
coffee cart
coffee cart
coffee cart
coffee cart
coffee cart
Yankton School District is approaching the groundbreaking date of the new Early Childhood Development Center, which means we are ready to begin the exciting process of naming the building! Do you have an idea? If so, please read the criteria statements below and submit a response at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/86JYHL2. Criteria: Timelessness: The name of the building should be timeless. Inclusivity: The name of the building should promote diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Clarity: The name of the building should be clear and easily understood. Relevance: The name of the building should be relevant to the nature theme incorporated into the design. Uniqueness: The name of the building should be unique. Respect: The name of the building should not include a person’s name. The submission process will close on Saturday, April 22, and the chosen name will be announced at a later date. Be creative and have fun!
almost 2 years ago, Yankton School District
Early Childhood
Thank you Stewart PTA for the purchase of two communication boards for the Stewart playground! These will be a great help for our students to communicate on the playground!
almost 2 years ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
AAC Board
AAC Board
Do you have a child that you haven’t registered for JrK or Kdg and will be 5 by Sept 1, 2023? Join us to register! Monday, April 3 3:30-6:30 pm YSD Administration Building 2410 West City Limits Road Can't make it that night? Register today at https://www.ysd.k12.sd.us/o/ysd/page/school-registration
almost 2 years ago, Yankton School District
Jrk Kdg Registration
Stewart Study Buddies enjoy working on tangrams together!
almost 2 years ago, Ginny Moser
Ms. Opsahl
Tangram Time
Puzzle Time
Thank you to Brian Bye & Elly Daisy from Farm Credit Services of America for visiting 2nd grade students at Stewart Elementary on National Agriculture Day. During their visit, they taught students about the Ag Industry in South Dakota. Students learned a lot of fun facts about the food they eat & where it's produced. If you see a Stewart 2nd grader be sure to ask them about some of the facts they learned!
almost 2 years ago, Hannah Zimmerman, 2nd Grade Teacher
Do you have a child that will be five by September 1st? Register for Jr. Kindergarten or Kindergarten online at https://www.ysd.k12.sd.us/o/ysd/page/school-registration.
almost 2 years ago, Yankton School District
Register for KDG
Register for KD
Stewart Coffee Cart strikes again! Thank you to these wonderful students for delivering coffee to staff today!
about 2 years ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
coffee cart
coffee cart
Recess is SNOW MUCH FUN when the snowflakes falling are perfect for making a snowman! Do you want to build a snowman? Stewart Stars do!
about 2 years ago, Kathleen Bergeson
3 kids in snow
3 kids with snowman
kids with large snowman
Mrs. Moser's 2nd grade class truly enjoyed Junior Achievement! Thank you so much to our volunteers, Julz and Kevin for helping us learn!
about 2 years ago, Ginny Moser
Junior Achievement
Stewart Elementary 4th and 5th grade Hawaiian Concert!
about 2 years ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
Stewart Stars having a blast at the "Light Up the Night" dance on Friday night!
about 2 years ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
Stewart Stars want to say thank you to Lauren Walker for the awesome spring painting on the office windows!
about 2 years ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
First and Third grade buddies celebrate Read Across America Day!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Kapla Stewart First Grade
Mrs. Heiter’s class enjoyed a little Math Madness with long division. Pictured is the champion and runner up of the tournament. 🏆
about 2 years ago, Kellie Heiter, 4th GradeTeacher, Stewart Elementar
math madness
Stewart Elementary Read Across America Days!
about 2 years ago, Cody Lukkes, Stewart Elementary Principal
Stewart Read Across America
Winter weather strikes again! Stewart School Book Fair and Parent Teacher Conferences will now be Monday, 2-27. Stop by the Lunchroom from 4:00-8:00 pm to find wonderful books to read! Your support helps ALL Stewart Readers!
about 2 years ago, Kathleen Bergeson
book fair graphic
Due to the Winter Storm Warning for Yankton County, Yankton School District is canceling school and activities for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 22.
about 2 years ago, Yankton School District
No School Sign