Congratulations to this week's GBB athletes of the week!
Good luck Monday at home vs. Huron.
Go Gazelles!
Today 6th grade students challenged themselves and their flexibility during the V-Sit & Reach fitness test. Pictured is Eli. The V-Sit & Reach record holder for 6th, 7th , and 8th grade happens to be Eli's mother, Sarah. Although Eli didn't break a record, he did very well.
Congratulations to the final 7th grade volleyball athletes of the week!
Go Bucks!
Congratulations to the YMS final football athletes of the week!
Congratulations to the YMS 6th grade volleyball final athletes of the week!
Who knew analyzing poetry could be so much fun?!
Congratulations to Nora on setting the new 6th grade mile run record. Nora's time of 6:05 beat the previous time of 6:06 set in the Spring of 2016. Way to go, Nora!
YMS Drama students read through their class play for the semester, Macbeth.
The annual Starbooks Cafe Fall Book Tasting at YMS was a success!
Here are the final 8th grade volleyball athletes of the week for this season..
Good luck YMS football players with their last game against Pierre!
These are the Athletes of the Week!
Congratulations to the MS Volleyball Athletes of the Week! Good luck in your final matches tonight!
Middle School Wrestling Registration! Get signed up now!
The YMS Band closed out their season celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Meridian Bridge on Saturday! Be sure to join us for the Indoor Show November 4th with the HS band!
Congratulations to last week's YMS football players of the week!
Congratulations to YMS volleyball players of the week last week!
Playing lots of games in Mrs. Stanosheck's room this morning! Happy Homecoming!
Making Homecoming memories with a combined HS/MS volleyball practice! Go Gazelles!
Congratulations to the YMS Volleyball Athletes of the Week!
Come and watch them play at home on Monday, October 7th vs. Vermillion .
Cross Country Meet Day today @ Fox Run!
Here are the athletes of the week for cross country.
Go bucks and gazelles!