Having some fun at YMS Jumpstart Program this week!
Get ready! A new look is coming to the YMS website soon!
It's August 1st and three weeks until school starts! Check out the open house and orientation dates and times.
To receive busing on the first day of school, students must be registered by August 5, 2022.
SIGN UP ON-LINE: https://forms.gle/2Phs2fJsRUSgrrkT9
For more information please visit the Yankton School District website=>Departments=>Transportation & Busing. https://www.ysd.k12.sd.us/apps/pages/Transportation-Busing
For the first time in school history, Buck Tennis has won the ESD Conference Championship!
A great day for the YMS 6th Grade Track Meet!!
A great day for the YMS 6th Grade Track Meet!!
Congratulations to the YMS Tennis team who competed at the MS ESD Conference Championships in Mitchell. Their hard work on the courts earned them a 2nd place finish! Great Job Bucks!
The 29th Annual All-School Visual Arts Exhibit is this Friday, April 29 11:00 am- 8:00 pm and Saturday, April 30 from 11:00 am–4:00 pm at the Yankton Middle School Old Gym. Sponsored by Yankton School District, the exhibit showcases artwork from students in grades Preschool-12.The student exhibit includes a wide range of techniques and media. This year the exhibit will feature elementary art from the new art curriculum Deep Space Sparkle (named after a Crayola crayon color).Come out to see the work of our talented Yankton students! The public is invited. Free admission.
A few members of our 6th Grade Student Council presented a check to the Center from our March for Meals Coin Drive. Thank you to everyone who contributed! Great work, YMS!
YMS is well represented in Mitchell today!
Fantastic Concert put on by the YMS Concert Choir tonight! Congratulations to the students and Mrs. Olson on a great performance!
YMS is well represented in Mitchell today!
YMS is well represented in Mitchell today!
A one-day in-service day for Yankton School District teachers will be held on Monday, April 4. There will be no school for students in Preschool through Grade 12 on this day.
Congratulations to the YMS 2022 Science Olympiad State Team…they competed against 5 other schools on Saturday at the USD campus and came away with the 1st place win! Each team member received at least one medal! They will now represent South Dakota at Nationals in May!
Congratulations to the YMS 2022 Science Olympiad State Team…they competed against 5 other schools on Saturday at the USD campus and came away with the 1st place win! Each team member received at least one medal! They will now represent South Dakota at Nationals in May!
4-0 is a good opening weekend for Buck Trnnis.
Yankton defeats:
Rapid City Christian 6-3
Rapid City Central 9-0
Rapid City Stevens 7-2
Spearfish 9-0
Yankton will host Sioux City Heelan and Vermillion on Tuesday. First serve is 11 AM.
Congratulations to the YMS MATHCOUNTS Team that placed 2nd in the SE SD Chapter Competition. Brianna placed 1st in the online Chapter competition and Max placed 10th. Brianna and Max went to the state competition where Brianna placed 6th overall and 2nd in the countdown round.
Happy Pi Day from YMS!