The 2019 Yankton High School All-State Choir members are ready for tonight’s concert! Tune in to hear it at 7pm on SD-PBS tonight!
over 5 years ago, Angela Larson
All-State Choir 2019
Congratulations to Brett Busskohl on achieving a 4-year award for the South Dakota All-State Choir! What an achievement!
over 5 years ago, Angela Larson
 Brett Busskohl
Day 1 of SD All-State choir was a success! 16 YHS Choir Students rehearsed all day yesterday with this giant choir made up of 900 South Dakota students!
over 5 years ago, Angela Larson
All-State Choir 2019
The Yankton High School English department transformed the English hall into Hogwarts to get into the holiday spirit.
over 5 years ago, Cassi Pietz
teachers in costume
Congratulations to YHS Choir Students Brett Busskohl and Brooke Anderson for being selected into the Regional ACDA Honor Choir to be held in Wisconsin in March! What an accomplishment!
over 5 years ago, Yankton High School Choir
ACDA Honor Choir
Senora Mattes’ Spanish II class made Pan de Los Muertos to celebrate Dia de Los Muertos which is Nov 1st and 2nd.
over 5 years ago, Yankton School District
Students with bread
Congratulations to Lili Dannenbring for being awarded Athletic All State for Dance. The award was announced Saturday in Aberdeen at the State Meet.
over 5 years ago, YHS Dance Team
Lili Dannenbring
7th and 8th grade young gazelles basketball camp starts tomorrow (10/29) at YMS north gym 3:45pm-5pm! Registrations at the door accepted!
over 5 years ago, Gazelle Basketball
2019 State Dance - Amazing day for YHS Dance Team! 1st Kick; 4th Pom; 6th Jazz; 5th Overall!
over 5 years ago, Stacy Ryken
2019 Kick Team
2019 Kick Team
1st Place Kick
2019 Pom Team
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged
over 5 years ago, YHS Drama
Hamlet and the King
Mark me!!!
Here we go! State Cross Country Meet today in Huron! A big thank you to parents for an awesome breakfast send off! Go Bucks and Gazelles!
over 5 years ago, Cross Country
Go Bucks!
Team Breakfast!
Go Gazelles!
Varsity Girls and Boys
On our way to State; watch us Saturday on PBS at 11:31 Kick; 12:39 Cheer; 2:08 Pom, & 3:24 Jazz. Go Gazelles!
over 5 years ago, Stacy Ryken
YHS Cheer & Dance
For tickets to the South Dakota All-State Choir & Orchestra Concert on Saturday, November 2nd go the SDHSAA website- 16 Yankton High School Choir Students will be participating in the concert. It will be aired live on SD-PBS at 7pm that evening.
over 5 years ago, Yankton High School Choir
The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare Abridged. Coming Soon!!!!!
over 5 years ago, YHS Drama
Congratulations to Lauren Gillis, Ryan Stapish, and Jon Wenisch for being selected to the 2019 South Dakota All State Orchestra. The reward for hard work as they will perform with the All State Chorus on November 2 at the Denny Sanford Center in Sioux Falls.
over 5 years ago, Todd Carr
Reminder that Young Gazelles 7th and 8th grade camp starts Oct 29th 3:45pm YMS North gym!
over 5 years ago, Gazelle Basketball
Yankton High School Spanish students make sugar skulls for Dia de los Muertos.
over 5 years ago, Yankton School District
Sugar skulls
Students painting
Students painting
Sugar skulls