5 Yankton High School Band students participated in the annual Quad State Honor Band concert at the University of South Dakota on Monday, January 27.
about 5 years ago, Music
Yankto High School Band Students
Junior Cheer Camp is coming up quick! Registration forms are due Friday, January 31. For more information please reach out to Coach Marisa Stephens at mstephens@ysd.k12.sd.us We are so excited for a morning full of cheer!
about 5 years ago, YSD Cheer
Rat organ systems in Anatomy! Now your talkin!
about 5 years ago, Dave Dannenbring
Rat organ systems!  Now your talkin!
Cooperation at work in HS PE.
about 5 years ago, Nikki Heinz
Cooperation at work in HS PE.
Cooperation at work in HS PE.
Earth Science students utilizing on-line activities from their new textbooks
about 5 years ago, Jama Mathison, Yankton High School
Earth Science students utilizing on-line technology from their new book!
Earth Science students utilizing on-line activities from their new textbooks
about 5 years ago, Jama Mathison, Yankton High School
5th period Cabinetry Student working hard on his project!
about 5 years ago, Justin Olson
Walnut shelf anyone?
5th period Cabinetry Student measuring out his project!
about 5 years ago, Justin Olson
Measure twice, cut once!
6th grade physical education students learning the game of Badminton.
about 5 years ago, Ryan Hage
The Great Kindness Challenge - January 27-31, 2020 Participate at home with acts of kindness by using the Family Edition App. https://thegreatkindnesschallenge.com/apps
about 5 years ago, Yankton School District
Great Kindness Challenge
LAST CHANCE TO CATCH THE GAZELLE GYMANSTICS TEAM IN ACTION @ HOME! Come support the Gazelles as they compete tonight 6pm
about 5 years ago, Justin Olson
Let’s do this!!
Attention all 2020-2021 Gazelle Volleyball Players! Here is our summer camp schedule!
about 5 years ago, Shanna Ibarolle Koenig
Gazelle Volleyball Summer Camp Schedule
The Yankton High School Band has been selected as Band Of The Day for the Class AA State Tournament on Saturday, March 21 in Sioux Falls!
about 5 years ago, Music
2019-20 Yankto High School Band
Varsity Scores 133.65, JV 107.25
about 5 years ago, Justin Olson
Team Selfie
Yankton Ag/FFA finished installing @MartinTill_SM floating row cleaners and @CopperheadAg Furrow Cruiser closing wheels after a long couple weeks of painting!
about 5 years ago, Brandon Wagner
JD 7000 Planter
Gazelle Gymnasts Place First at Home Meet
about 5 years ago, Justin Olson
Pre-Meet Pic
Join YSD by participating in The Great Kindness Challenge, one week devoted to performing as many kind acts as possible. January 27-31, 2020
about 5 years ago, Yankton School District
Great Kindness Challenge
The audition workshop scheduled for Saturday, January 18, at YHS has been CANCELLED! We will find a time later in the year to make it happen! In the meantime, no audition workshop at YHS this weekend!
about 5 years ago, YHS Spring Musical
art 1 students using unusual painting tools
about 5 years ago, Peter Deming
string theory?
enjoying answer the question, "what if..."
coin toss and tumble
lotion anyone?
Can you solve this online geometry problem? My students can!
about 5 years ago, Sue Adam
Geometric Shape