National History Day YHS
about 5 years ago, Douglas Haar
First Place in the USA
Third Place in the USA
Fifth Place in the USA 2019
Fifth Place in the USA
Mrs. Kortan’s physical science students used paper airplanes to explore the science of flight. The winning airplane flew 57 feet 9 inches!
about 5 years ago, Lindsay Kortan
Students flying paper airplanes.
Students flying paper airplanes.
Students flying paper airplanes.
Students flying paper airplanes.
Time for some grammar review!
about 5 years ago, Deb Lillie
Parts of Speech Posters
Mechanical Drafting students working on creating a dart board
about 5 years ago, Justin Olson
Going to make this drawing come to life...stayed tuned!
Freshmen girls PE embracing the winter snow
about 5 years ago, Nikki Heinz
Freshmen girls PE embracing the winter snow.
Way to conquer the rope challenge!
about 5 years ago, Tyler Slate
Rope Challenge!
Rope Challenge!
Anatomy students learn the body through clay.
about 5 years ago, Dave Dannenbring
Anatomy with clay.
Have you ever wanted to confidently prepare for a musical audition? YHS Drama has a workshop FOR YOU!! Join us on Saturday, Jan. 18 from 11 AM- 1 PM in the YHS THEATRE! Learn with expert Ellie Livingston! Ages 14 and up! Free! **Prepare 1 minute of a song you know well!!**
about 5 years ago, YHS Spring Musical
Ellie Livingston
The Kiwanis Club honored Isaac Nedved, Sadie Fedders, Cecilia Kouri and Thomas LaFave for excellence in math and science.
about 5 years ago, Marge Kindle
Math and science students
World of Work/Internship students working with visitors from Applied Engineering on personality types and problem solving with construction competition!
about 5 years ago, Brady Muth
YHS W.O.W/Internship Class
The YHS Student Council had their first meeting of the semester today! The are planning lots of great things- be on the lookout!
about 5 years ago, Angela Larson
Student council 1
Student council 2
Filling gaps in drywall in preparation for tape!
about 5 years ago, Bret Johnson
Congratulations to YHS Debate this weekend in Brookings. Kiah Holmstrom, 2nd Student Congress, Jakob Harrell 4th Domestic Extemp, Carter Demaray & Lauren Gillis, 1st Public Forum, Skyler Brockmoller & Jakob Harrell, 4th Public Forum, Carter Demaray, recognized as a top speaker
about 5 years ago, YHS Speech and Debate
Carter Demaray, 2nd place speaker in Public Forum
Kiah Holmstrom, 2nd Student Congress, and Jakob Harrell, 4th Domestic Extemp
Carter Demaray & Lauren Gillis, 1st Public Forum, and Skyler Brockmoller & Jakob Harrell, 4th Public Forum
YHS Arickara Christmas party
about 5 years ago, JMikkelsen/Arickara/Woksape
Members of the yearbook staff celebrate the holidays during their annual Christmas party.
Sra.Brandt’s clase de español III having fun with their final, learning traditional Hispanic dances! 💃🏽
about 5 years ago, Sarah Brandt
YHS Acappella Choir sang at Majestic Bluffs today! What a great way to share the gift of music this time of year!
about 5 years ago, Yankton High School Choir
Majestic Bluffs 2019 #2
Majestic Bluffs 2019 #1
Great staff at YSD!
about 5 years ago, Yankton School District
Great Group
Creative Shoes
And even more cheer!
about 5 years ago, Yankton School District
Fa La La
Lincoln Group
Admin VIcki
Look at all of the cheer in the buildings today!
about 5 years ago, Yankton School District
Christmas sweater
Cute Sparkle
Yankton School District Staff had a Christmas Sweater Contest today. Thanks so much for all of the participants of the contest! It is great to see all of the Christmas cheer in the buildings.
about 5 years ago, Yankton School District
YSD Christmas Sweater Winners