Mrs. Koch’s AP Chemistry students created silver holiday ornaments by means of a oxidation reduction reaction.
about 5 years ago, Julie Koch, Yankton High School
4th period’s finished ornaments.
5th period’s finished ornaments.
Students in the lab.
Gift Givers along with National Honor Society, Y-Club, Student Council, and the students and staff of YHS collected food and Christmas gifts for families this holiday season. This is a Christmas tradition at YHS for the past 20 years.
about 5 years ago, Becky Ver Heul
Food and family needs baskets
Wrapping gifts
Numerous students helped wrap the gifts.
Students wrapping.
Students present their Dr. Seuss oral interpretation speeches in Mrs. Luken’s class.
about 5 years ago, Angie Luken
Oral interpretation speeches
More speeches!
Students present Dr. Seuss book oral interpretation speeches in Mrs. Luken’s class.
NHS student lending a helping hand with the annual Gift Givers project
about 5 years ago, Marc Bies
NHS students
Come see the 5th-12th grade students show off their hard work at the orchestra concert tonight at YHS at 7:00pm. It’s going to be great! 🎶
about 5 years ago, Emily Antonen
2019 Winter Program
Don'f forget we have an early dismissal at 2:00 pm on Friday, December 20 to start the Christmas break. Have a great break!
about 5 years ago, Yankton School District
Christmas break
Biodiversity Lab with Mr. Gross.
about 5 years ago, Randy Gross
Biodiversity Lab with Mr. Gross.
The YHS Choirs had a great Holiday Concert last night! Thank you to everyone who attended- we had a full house!
about 5 years ago, Yankton High School Choir
Treble choir 2019
Acappella Choir 2019
Concert choir 2019
One Act play is gearing up for a production of Macbeth this season. With a cast/crew of over 30, we are excited to bring this timeless classic to life.
about 5 years ago, Keith Goeden
Visit the “Cookie Walk” at the YHS/YMS Holiday Choir Concert tonight at YHS.
about 5 years ago, Ryan Mors, Activities Director
Cookie Walk at YHS/YMS Holiday Choir Concert.
Pottery/Sculpture students at the high school work on their gingerbread inspired sculptures! First place-“Christmas Vacation” (car), Second- “Candy Cabin”, Third place- “Santa’s Workshop” Most Creative-The Dam
about 5 years ago, Mallory Schmidt
Second place-“Candy Cabin”
Third place-“Santa’s Workshop”
Most creative- The Dam
First place- “Christmas Vacation”
Biology students extracting their own cheek cell DNA into a layer of rubbing alcohol.
about 5 years ago, Lindsay Kortan
Students extracting their DNA.
Test tube showing the later of alcohol with the white clump of DNA.
Test tube showing the layer of alcohol with the white clump of DNA.
Archery equipment starting to show up at the high school, 2nd semester should be exciting.
about 5 years ago, Nikki Heinz
Archery equipment starting to show up at the high school, 2nd semester should be exciting.
AP Calculus students using Tootsie Roll Pops to estimate rates of change.
about 5 years ago, Marge Kindle
AP Calculus students using Tootsie Roll Pops to estimate rates of change
Seniors work on their short story final projects for AP Literature.
about 5 years ago, JMikkelsen/Arickara/Woksape
Mrs. Mikkelsen’s AP literature students.
Intro to Dramatic Lit students are working on some wonderful final projects!
about 5 years ago, YHS Spring Musical
AP Chemistry students with their Chemistree ornaments.
over 5 years ago, Julie Koch, Yankton High School
4th period students
5th period students
5th period students
2019 Bucks Golf team being recognized at halftime of tonight's Bucks basketball game for winning the ESD Conference Championship this Fall. Way to go Bucks!
over 5 years ago, Brett Sime
2019 ESD Golf Champion Yankton Bucks
2019 Gazelles Golf team being recognized at halftime of tonight's Bucks basketball game for winning the ESD Conference Championship this Spring. Way to go Gazelles!
over 5 years ago, Brett Sime
ESD Champion Gazelles Golf
YHS Basketball season opener tonight at the Sunmit Center.
over 5 years ago, Ryan Mors, Activities Director
Home Opener for YHS Basketball tonight at the Sunmit Center