Gazelles are done with first week of practice! Monday starts “Game Week” Free Throw Ladder contest starts Monday as well!
over 5 years ago, Gazelle Basketball
Free Throw Ladder 2019-2020
SDHSAA State Oral Interp Festival Awards Presentation at Yankton High School.
over 5 years ago, Ryan Mors, Activities Director
SDHSAA State Oral Interp Festival
6th Grade Boys Basketball just got done with their 1st week of practice. Looking forward to a fun season.
over 5 years ago, Brett Sime
6th Grade Boys Basketball practice
Gazelle Gymanstics getting for Lolly Forseth Invite
over 5 years ago, Justin Olson
Go Great Gazelles
Physics students experiencing angular momentum
over 5 years ago, Suzanne Tessier
Physics class experiencing angular momentum
Physics and angular momentum
over 5 years ago, Suzanne Tessier
Physics and angular momentum
Digital Media students filming CGI clips for animation unit. Past projects can be found here
over 5 years ago, Music
Green Wall filming
The Yankton Band firing up it's Winter pep band season! GO BUCKS AND GAZELLES!
over 5 years ago, Music
Yankton Band supporting Buck wrestling!
Bucks Wrestling Triangular at YHS tonight.
over 5 years ago, Ryan Mors, Activities Director
Bucks Wrestling
Physical Science students investigating Ohm’s Law and series and parallel circuits.
over 5 years ago, Lindsay Kortan
Students working with circuits.
Students working with circuits.
Students working with circuits.
Students working with circuits.
Thank you to the YHS Booster Club for funding this incredible mural in the YHS gym created by Dave Fuller!
over 5 years ago, Yankton High School
YHS Mural
YHS will be hosting the State Oral Interp festival on Fri. and Sat. Interested in watching our YHS students? See the attached schedules. The full schedule can be found on SDHSAA.
over 5 years ago, YHS Oral Interp
friday schedule
Saturday Schedule
Junior Achievement Activities presented in Mrs. Mathison's homeroom by Jamie Schaefer of Avera.
over 5 years ago, Jama Mathison, Yankton High School
Junior Achievement Activities presented in Mrs. Mathison's homeroom by Jamie Schaefer of Avera.
Barb Rezac from Mount Marty College visited Mrs. Ladwig’s sophomore homeroom class for Junior Achievement.
over 5 years ago, Kaiti Ladwig
Barb Rezac from Mount Marty College visited Mrs. Ladwig’s sophomore homeroom for Junior Achievement.
Yankton High School Sophomores participate in Junior Achievement Excellence through Ethics.
over 5 years ago, Yankton School District
Rock-n the Student-Built House at YHS!
over 5 years ago, Yankton High School
Student built house
Student Build House
Starting drywall in the student built house
over 5 years ago, Bret Johnson
Rock-n in the house
Great start for IMF classes.
over 5 years ago, Zach Hoover
Class squares
Cutting torch adjustments
Dice project
Feel the heat!
Individual oral interp events at the MMC tournament: Brynann Olson, 2nd place for serious interp Nicholas Taylor, 2nd place for non-original oratory Kendra Lemberg, 2nd place for humorous interp
over 5 years ago, YHS Oral Interp
Kendra Lemberg
Nicholas Taylor
Brynann Olson
Congratulations to the YHS students who competed at the oral interp tournament at Mount Marty today! All twelve competitors earned medals! 🏆
over 5 years ago, YHS Oral Interp
YHS Oral Interp