Group oral interp events at the MMC tournament:
Lauren Tereshinski, Ellie Karolevitz, Jillian Eidsness, Thea Chance, Hannah Jussel — 1st place for Readers Theatre
Kayla Marsh, Camryn Zoeller, Anna Carda, Kendra Lemberg, Lily Lawrence — 2nd place for Readers Theatre

Attention boys in grades 1-5! Bucks BB Winter League is starting soon!

Due to the incoming winter storm young Bucks basketball academy has been cancelled for tonight and will not be made up. We hope to see all the boys back in the gym on Dec. 12th for our first night of winter league

Carter Demaray and Lauren Gillis compete in the final round of Public Forum Debate at the Mitchell McGovern Tournament today.

Retired YHS Debate coach, Leo Kallis, was inducted into the SD Speech and Debate Hall of Fame yesterday at the Mitchell McGovern Tournament. The award was presented by Donus Roberts.

Congratulations to Carter Demaray and Lauren Gillis, 2nd place in Public Forum Debate at the Mitchell McGovern Tournament today!

Jon Syla, an exchange student from Kosovo, presented to the AP Chemistry students about his country and culture.

Badminton 6th period

Freshman Badminton period 5

Badminton Tourney period 3

Badminton tournament period 2

Freshman Badminton Tourney period 1

The YHS Band was the pep band for the USD Women’s Basketball Game tonight!

Sophomore’s sporting our new Warmup Leos! #gogazelles

Staff appreciation breakfast from National Honor Society

Physical Science Heat Projects

There will be no school in the Yankton School District on Wednesday, November 27, a conferences compensation day, or Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29, due to the Thanksgiving holiday. School will resume on Monday, December 2.

The YHS Drama Dept. will welcome a familiar face to the stage with its April, 2020 production of Xanadu! Tim Hausmann, a graduate of YHS (2002), will be a guest artist for the production, playing the character Danny Maguire, a role originated by Gene Kelly in the 1980 movie.

Preschool Open House is Thursday, November 21st at Webster School. Make reservations by calling 665-2484.

Congratulations to Kiah Holmstrom, semi-finalist in Lincoln Douglas Debate, and Lauren Gillis and Carter Demaray, quarter finalists in Public Forum at the Sioux Falls Roosevelt Sweetstakes Tournament!